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Straight teeth are more than just for pretty smiles.

Severe crowding and crookedness of teeth make it difficult to keep them clean, and predisposes a person to tooth decay and gum disease. Stains form easily, and chewing is inefficient.

Tooth position also determines lip position, which is part of the facial profile. the infamous 'Bart Simpson' and 'Bugs Bunny' look are largely due to poor tooth positioning.

Speech is also affected if teeth are not in the correct position, as there may be air-leaks or difficulties with certain sounds; lisping and difficulty with vowels and consonants are some of the things dentists look for when they assess patients for braces.

What many people don't realise is that orthodontics (braces) can also help with modifying jaw growth in the growing years of a child. Orthodontics can guide the jaws as the grow up into a better position should problems be detected early, and this can help avoid major corrective surgery in the future.

Technology for braces has come a long way from the "railroad tracks" of old; mini-brackets, transparent brackets, ceramic brackets, lingual (behind-the-teeth) brackets and even invisible braces (such as 'InvisAlign') have increased the choices available to patients. Braces can be fun too, and have become much more socially acceptable.

Braces are also no longer limited to children, with an increasing number of adults choosing to straighten their teeth for a better smile at work, at play, and to increase their confidence. Even mature adults have chosen to reward themselves with a new set of straight teeth.