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Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth

Babies can begin teething from as early as 3 months, and as late as 1 year after birth. Most children will get their full set of 20 primary (milk) teeth by age 3.

Baby teeth are important for chewing, speech, social interaction, and jaw growth.

It is a myth that teething is accompanied by fever or loose stools. if a baby develops these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

The most common cause of tooth decay in children is from well-meaning caregivers giving sweetened drinks in feeding bottles. another common cause is having the milk bottle in the mouth is a good-enough source of sugar to cause rampant decay.

It is good to start the toothbrushing habit before baby's first teeth. as the first teeth appear, a wet towel may be used; or special, small, soft baby brushes.

The child should be introduced to the dentist's clinic at the age of 1-2 years. this will familiarise them with the different sounds and instruments, and is usually a good habit to form whilst young. parents should be careful not to "transfer" their fears and phobia to the child - dental visits nowadays are very pleasant, comfortable affairs.

Baby Teeth should be kept until their permanent replacements erupt because:

  • They allow for chewing of food. this will affect health and growth.
  • They help in jaw growth and in determining the development of the permanent teeth.
  • It helps in speech. sounds that require teeth to form may be affected by loss of teeth, and lead to bad speech habits.
  • Loss of teeth may make the child self-conscious, and lead to ridicule from peers.

You need to bring your child to someone with whom the child is comfortable, and who is also comfortable with your child.

Every child has a right to enjoy himself- have a happy smile, and a mouth free from pain and disease, as well as being able to eat properly for growth.